The voice of the Diabetes-management industry. Working alongside people with diabetes, clinicians, health systems, and support groups/charities to make available the highest quality, sustainable, technology-based solutions to treat and manage diabetes.
- Co-Chairs - Shay Speakman-Brown, Dexcom & Jeevan Kumari, Ypsomed.
- Joint ABHI and Diabetes Technology Network (DTN) position on Insulin Pumps.
- Briefing from All Party Parliamentary Group for Diabetes to the ABHI Diabetes group.
- Utilised the publication of the GIRFT diabetes report to identify key areas of focus for industry.
- Articulate the value of the diabetes technology community, providing people with diabetes with equity of access to the highest quality, sustainable, technology-based solutions to treat and manage their condition.
- Build and strengthen relationships with identified stakeholders.
- Respond as a group to appropriate consultations and policy positions to position the value of the diabetes tech community.
Useful Resources
- Click here to view the latest updates, minutes and future meeting dates for the group.
- ABHI and DTN Position on Insulin Pumps.
Get Involved
To join the ABHI Diabetes group, contact nishan.sunthares@abhi.org.uk
“My experience of the ABHI diabetes group has been very valuable. As a new SME player in the market, it has been great to come together with the other players in the sector to understand our common pain points and goals. The group is well structured and run and I am sure is going to get better and better as we mature.”
Alex Evans, Country Manager, ViCentra