ABHI Membership

Consultation: Laboratory Validation of COVID-19 Tests

The government has this week launched a public consultation on proposals to introduce further scrutiny of COVID-19 tests on the UK market through mandatory laboratory validation. 

This consultation marks the second phase of such plans, and you can view ABHI's response to the first phase here.

Members are encouraged to respond to the consultation directly, which will close on 30 September 2021, and, of particular interest, will be industry's views on whether in future legislation, the scope should be extended to other pathogen diagnostics.

I will also be seeking the thoughts of members to provide a consolidated ABHI response, and to help inform that, we will be running a joint webinar with colleagues at BIVDA - details of which will be shared shortly.  

In the meantime, if you would like to provide any feedback on the consultation to me directly, please write to: stephen.lee@abhi.org.uk