ABHI Membership

Boost to SME Business Growth as ABHI - CPI Partnership Agreed

I am pleased to announce that ABHI has entered into a partnership with the Centre for Process Innovation (CPI) to stimulate innovation development and fuel growth of the UK’s SME HealthTech sector. A press release can be read here

CPI are a leading independent technology innovation centre. As a founding member of the UK Government’s High Value Manufacturing Catapult, their innovation capabilities are designed to help companies bring ideas to market through the commercialisation of research. With significant expertise in areas such as medicines manufacturing and biotechnology, CPI are now utilising their capabilities to support the HealthTech sector, with a particular focus on diagnostics. 

As highlighted this year, we are heavily engaged with government on its bold vision to build a world-class diagnostics capability for our country, and I am particularly excited about the opportunities this partnership will deliver to the many small UK HealthTech companies to scale up their operations and realise this collective ambition.

I look forward to sharing with you opportunities as this relationship develops.