Overcoming Barriers for Health Innovation – The Innovator Perspective

Venue: Axis Centre, University of Southampton Science Park, SO16 7NP

Start: Wednesday 26 Jun 2024 17:00

End: Wednesday 26 Jun 2024 20:00

Do you have/or work with health and care focused innovations? 

Do you want to learn how to overcome/alleviate barriers that can prevent adoption and success of these innovations?

The road from idea to commercialisation can be filled with speed bumps, diversions, green lights, red lights, and ‘turn around when possible’ situations.

Join Health Innovation Wessex for an exciting evening of discussion with four innovators who have learnt from their experiences and can now pass on how they navigated this sometimes unpredictable road.

The innovators presenting represent a variety of career backgrounds, products, and barriers experienced whilst developing their innovations in the health and care landscape. 

Themes that will be focused on include the development of health tech, meeting regulations, market access, and adapting your product to meet the needs of the demand. 

In addition to hearing the innovator perspective, Health Innovation Wessex will also be sharing how they can support innovators to overcome barriers and steer the course from idea to adoption. 

There will be opportunity to pose your questions to the panel of innovators and staff from HIW during our Q&A session.

This is a fantastic opportunity for innovators and those in the health setting to learn from each other to aid the adoption of innovation in health and care. 

Who should attend?

  • Health and Med-tech companies of all sizes
  • Health leaders in NHS provider and commissioner organisations – including leads for transformation and innovation, directors of innovation, managers seeking support for specific projects, and operations managers.
  • Clinical entrepreneurs
  • Clinicians
  • Innovators in NHS organisations – including health/med-tech industries and academia

What will I learn?

  • The common barriers when bringing innovation into the health and care sector, shared first-hand from those who have ‘been there’.
  • Answers to frequently asked questions from our expert Q&A panel.
  • How those from health settings can positively influence innovation adoption to bring impactful innovation to patients, staff, and NHS organisations faster.
  • How HIW can support those in the health and care innovation space.
  • The experiences of others, including hints and tips, through this fantastic in person networking opportunity.

Apply for a face-to-face 1:1 workshop with speaker Amy Manning – Amity Consulting Ltd and Health Innovation Wessex. Amy is a successful health innovator who has completed the journey from idea to commercialisation and is now working with and supporting innovators through her own consultancy. 

Ask questions, seek advice and support on specific aspects of your health and med-tech innovation or have a ‘broad MOT check’ on current progress and plans. 

For further information and application details see the registration page below.