Global Expansion Made Easy: Empower Your Team Through Cultural Awareness

Venue: Online.

Start: Friday 24 Nov 2023 11:00

End: Friday 24 Nov 2023 12:00

Register here

If you are looking expand into new markets, to relocate staff and make those connections that enable you and your company to really thrive, you have got to have a high CQ. A high level of cultural intelligence: the capacity to navigate and interact effectively in diverse cultural settings.

But how do I go about doing so? – you may be wondering. And that is exactly what we will be discussing in our upcoming workshop: how to improve your cultural intelligence through cultural training for your team and business. We will cover the following:

  1. You lost me at ‘hello’ - What you need to consider in order to succeed in new market.
  2. The benefits of cultural training - For collaborative international teams and employees needing to relocate.
  3. A case study - How intercultural training helped a key client open doors to a new market and connect at high levels.
  4. The power of language basics - What you need to know without putting in much time or effort.
  5. Top tips - How to ensure impactful target market localisation and branding.

What will I get from this workshop?

That’s simple! A clearer intercultural strategy that will enable you to:

  • Win new contracts in target markets
  • Improve credibility with clients
  • Enhance team relationships and boost productivity
  • Increase international engagement
  • Establish an effective branding and marketing strategy by “going Global”.

Join ABHI member Dialogue Language Services International this November.

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