Coffee and Conversation with Eva Yin, FDA Regulatory Expert

Venue: Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, 8 Spital Square, London, E1 6DU

Start: Thursday 23 May 2024 16:00

End: Thursday 23 May 2024 17:00

Join Eva Yin - FDA Regulatory partner at Wilson Sonsini - for coffee and conversation about the US regulatory framework for digital health companies.

Among the finer points, we will chat about:

  • The digital health services model, and the FDA-regulated product model, with overlap between the two.
  • How digital health companies that involve licensed healthcare professionals, or health care services, are regulated differently than medical products by the FDA.
  • The broad range of services/products business models within industry, and how they are also regulated differently in the U.S.

Register here.

About Eva Yin: Dr. Eva Yin is member of the firm’s FDA regulatory, healthcare, and consumer products practice. She focuses on conducting FDA and healthcare regulatory due diligence for corporate transactions; providing legal counsel to manufacturers regarding FDA approval/clearance for various products, including medical devices, mobile apps, and drugs; FDA compliance; regulation of promotional materials and labelling; and manufacturer compliance. Eva's super power is the use of her scientific background in her regulatory practice, including helping companies solve go-to-market and regulatory challenges.